Zombie Attack: PreRelease OUT!!!

The PreRelease: We new it was coming. But what makes this update so major? The answer Is simplify that I've acheved almost everything and more I wanted for the game, Plus I made it easier to add more features that I like because I set a baseline for future code. This mean that the engine to run the game works to make adding new feature to the game-because I already made the code for it! All I really have to do now to add the things I want into the game is to just copy and paste ta few lines of code, tweak the variables a little bit, plus make the art! MUCH EASIER then having to make the code from scratch. Anyways, lets dive into what this update actually adds.

  1. Inventory system!
  2. Carrots!
  3. Turrets!
  4. Shields!
  5. Super hard gamemode!
  6. Nightmare gamemode!
  7. Impossible gamemode! 
  8. Shop!
  9. New Voicelines!
  10. Tip Jar?

Thank you for reading this absurdly long text wall.



Zombie Attack (Beta) (1).html 4.4 MB
Nov 15, 2024

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